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Start by Believing Campaign Launch

Some of our staff were involved in the launch of the Start by Believing Campaign

Anyone can experience sexual violence. Women, people with a disability, LGBTQIA+ people, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, are more likely to experience sexual violence and are less likely to be believed. It starts by believing all of us. 

This video was a collaboration between the Brisbane Northside Sexual Assault Network (NSAAN) and the Brisbane Northside Alliance Against Domestic Violence (NAADV) and survivors of sexual violence from all parts of our community. 

This video was created to raise awareness during Sexual Violence Awareness Month which is held in October every year to promote support options available for people affected by sexual violence and to maintain a clear message that sexual violence will not be tolerated in our community and everyone has the right to live free of sexual violence. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing or being affected by sexual violence you can contact the following QLD statewide crisis lines for free and confidential support: 

1800 Respect (1800 737 732) – 24 hours, 7 days 

1800 010 120 – 7:30am to 11:30am, 7 days

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